Wockhardt’s Habil Khorakiwala Unveils - Odyssey of Courage
by Najuka G The event also witnessed the launch of a unique mentoring program – School of Courage The books are available at - Relay & Crossword Stores along with Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Flipkart & Snapdeal December, 2017, Mumbai: Wockhardt’s Habil Khorakiwala unveiled his autobiography – Odyssey of Courage . The book recounts four different transformation journeys from the time he started his company and survived in the first 10 to 15 years to become an important national pharmaceutical organisation, after liberalisation established global footprints along with research initiatives and now moving forward to introduce Novel Drug through its Antibiotic Drug Discovery Programme. In the process he has built great leaders in research, in business and in manufacturing and many of them are contributing to industry’s success. The book has followed an approach of storytelling which makes it a compelling read. For practitioners of business and management, there ...