Jayesh Kumar Sharma, in collaboration with Nine Fish Art Gallery, exhibits his 'Kushti' and 'Leela' series at the MIA Photo Fair 2023 Milan
by Priya Jadhav Jayesh Kumar Sharma, a young photographer, and artist in collaboration with Nine Fish Art Gallery displayed his 'Kushti' and 'Leela' series at the gallery stall at the MIA Photo Fair 2023, Milan. His work is also currently displayed at the Arsenale in Venice after being selected for the Arte Laguna Prize Venice 2023. India stands in a peculiar position with regard to modernism and postmodernism due to its issues with nation-building, which are intimately entwined with a range of complex as well as a civilization that has been influenced by numerous sub-histories. India has had its own intriguing deviations in this area, and photography has been a potent asset for capturing the changes and advancement of the contemporary world over the past century. Sadly, India has avoided emphasizing the 5,000-year history of its communities and has instead relied on a flawed "colonial" lens. Many of these minority cultures, traditions, and rituals are at risk...