Bank of Baroda Wins Golden Peacock Award for Training

Bank of Baroda Wins Golden Peacock 

Award for Training

Bank of Baroda was declared as the winner of Golden Peacock National Training Award for the year 2014 by the Awards Jury under the Chairmanship of Justice P N Bhagwati, former Chief Justice of India and Co-Chairmanship of Justice (Dr.) Arijit Pasayat, Chairman, Authority of Advance Ruling (Customs, Cenral Excise & Service Tax) & former Judge, Supreme Court of India.

Bank of Baroda has been a forerunner in the field of Training & Development with its apex Training College at Ahmedabad. To give strategic push to Training and Research activities, Bank created a new vertical christened as Research, Training & Development Department and it is headed by a General Manager & Chief Learning Officer (CLO). Award was given to the Bank at a function at Thiruvananthapuram under the aegis of Institute of Directors, New Delhi on 23.05.2014.

Narration of the photograph: Shri S. S. Mundra, Chairman & Managing Director of Bank of Baroda is seen holding the Golden Peacock Award, also seen in the picture are (L to R) Shri S. Gnanavel, General Manager & Chief Learning Officer, Shri P. Srinivas, Shri Ranjan Dhawan & Shri B. B. Joshi, Executive Directors of the Bank


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