Dr.Bharati Lavekar, MLA- Versova Constituency BJP Organizes Workshop for Co-operative Housing Societies

One Day Workshop for Co-operative Housing Societies organized by Dr.Bharati Lavekar, MLA- Versova Constituency of Bharatiya Janata Party

by Najuka G 

Mumbai, October, 2018: Forming a Housing Co-Operative society in today’s era is big task and knowing all the norms to avoid legal issues is a bigger hustle. To resolve all the queries and doubts on forming a society, Dr.Bharati Lavekar, MLA- Versova Constituency of Bharatiya Janata Party organized one day workshop for Co-operative housing Societies. This workshop was inaugurated by Shri Subhashrao Deskmukh, Co-Operation, Marketing and Textile Minister, Government of Maharashtra.
Dr.Bharati Lavekar invited many speakers at the workshop to explain and discuss various topics on how a co-operative housing society is formed? Topics like ‘Election of Co-Operative Housing Society, Management of Co-Operative Housing Society under SRA and MHADA, Deemed Conveyance of Co-Operative Housing societies’ were discussed. Around 600 plus number of crowd attended the workshop. A question- answer seminar was organized for the people to clears their thoughts about the formation of the housing society. 

Dr.Bharati Lavekar, MLA- Versova Constituency of Bharatiya Janata Party, Women & Child Rights and welfare committee Legislative Assembly is the founder of Tee Foundation and organized the workshop for Co-Operative Housing Societies. She is award-winning social worker recognized for her work and dedication to the field. She Said, “I’m glad that common people got a chance of clearing all the queries regarding the formation of Housing Societies and had an opportunity to get well versed knowledge from experts.” 

About Dr.Bharati Lavekar: Dr. Bharati Lavekar, MLA – Versova Constituency is an award-winning social worker recognized for her work and dedication to the field. She has done M.A (Political Science), M. Phil. B.J (Bachelor of Journalism) and holds a PhD (Uniform Civil Code).
Active in public life for the more than 25 years, is highly sensitive to the plight of underprivileged women, and has made it her life’s mission to fight for their rights. Her ultimate aim is the empowerment of women, both economic and social. In 2009, she established and presides over the TEE Foundation, a NGO with the singular aim of tackling women’s issues related to female feoticide, sanitation, hygiene and women’s education.

Dr. Bharati Lavekar has also been associated with various social platforms, amongst which, to name a few, are:

Ø President,’Aapli Molkarin’, Domestic Helpers Body.
Ø General Secretary, ‘Marathwada Lok Vikas Manch’, NGO.

Achievements have been celebrated and lauded across various platforms. Some of these include:

Ø Ahilyabai Holkar Award for Social Work by the Government of Maharashtra (year 2000-2001).
Ø ‘Maharashtra Ratna Award’ 2005 for Social Work by Asian Institute of Human Resources and Development.
Ø Maitrin’ Monthly Award, 2005.
Ø Maltibai Tendulkar Award, 2005.
Ø One of two people selected by the American Government to study the American Legislative Elections in 2006.


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