Esperer BioResearch, launches 2 health supplements for Cancer Patients

by Priya Jadhav

Mumbai, June 19, 2019: Backed by a strong research on the nutritional deficiencies in cancer patients in India; Esperer BioResearch, launched 2 health supplements Es- Fortitude (nourish, protect &recovery) & Es- Invigour (base formula) in Mumbai. The supplements aim to bring optimal efficacy of the main therapy in cancer disease management to ensure better quality of life of patients across the globe.

One of the most relevant syndromes that increase as cancer progresses is cachexia that compromises the life of the patient and irremediably causes weakness and death. Hypermetabolism is correlated with clinical and biological markers of cancer cachexia and is associated with a shorter survival in metastatic cancer patients.  Thus, there is a need for preparing the body for the treatment, during the treatment and during recovery stage. All 3 phases are different and require nutritional care basis the cell biology of the body.

Mr. Amit Srivastava, CEO, Biovalley Incubation & Founder, Responsible Nutrition Association of India; “Patients with cancer cachexia die when there is 25 – 30% of total body weight loss. Depending upon the tumor type, weight loss occurs in 30 to 80% of cancer patients. The incidence of chemotherapy-induced anemia is as high as 100% for Grade 1 to 2 and 80% for Grade 3 to 4 anemia. Most of the cachexia is managed by high whey protein concentrate load given to patient through oral as well as ryles tube. The current whey protein load leads to occurrence of loose motion and compromised uptake of digested protein in form of amino acids as Indian guts are not primed to cope up with high protein load. This becomes serious medical concern during chemotherapy as the absorption profile of gut is further compromised. Current market products are flooded by imported or foreign formula of proteins that works well with Caucasian guts.  There is a gap in addressing Indian guts – a scientific product is needed that helps in preventing patient in getting into cachexia without overloading the GI system. Esperer has been incubated as a cancer therapy adjuvant nutrition company at Biovalley Incubation Council that is working on developing a scientific formula that works well for Indian guts in preventing cachexia and reducing chemo load”.

Mr. Raktim Chattopadhyay, Founder & CEO said; “It is our endeavour to work towards a better quality of life for cancer patients. We believe that “Personalized Medicine” is our chance to revolutionize health care. Nutritional imbalance has a direct impact on the cancer disease and our quest is to mitigate the risk that stems from nutritional deficiency in cancer patients.”

Manufactured at US-FDA approved nutraceutical plant at Bengaluru; the company has been researching and providing onco-nutrition therapy to cancer patients. As per our study; lung cancer is consistently among the top three cancers reported for males. The incidence rate in Mumbai is much higher than in the satellite registration areas (10.3 per 100,000 in Mumbai, compared to 5.6 to 6.9 per 100,000 in the satellite areas). The top cancers among men vary by area and include prostate, mouth, larynx, and esophagus.

For women, breast cancer is consistently the highest incidence rate; this rate is also substantially higher in Mumbai than in the satellite coverage areas (33.4 per 100,000 in Mumbai, compared to 16.7 to 29.1 per 100,000 in the satellite areas). Cervical and ovarian cancer are second and third, respectively, across all the coverage areas, but there is variation in the incidence rates cervical cancer incidence is higher in the satellite registries than in Mumbai, and ovarian cancer follows the opposite pattern. Esperer BioResearch is working towards standardising nutrition therapy guideline for cancer patients.

About Esperer BioResearchESPERER stands for hope. And hope springs eternal in ESPERER as we step ahead in our endeavour to bring this hope in a scientific way to the patient, their family, their near and dear ones and the medical fraternity in general and the care giver and care acceptor in particular. For a Cancer patient, HOPE is everything. Hope is not easily defined, but impossible to embrace without faith. For in reality hope always signifies that something better will come out of it. ESPERER is focused on the very aspect of oncology: the medicine and molecules, the treatment and services during treatment, the help and support to the end user with a view of futuristic need for living a fulfilling life after being cured. Find more information at:


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