The Body Shop Lemon Moisturising and Cleansing Hand Gel Feel Clean and Confident

by Shrutee K

What is it ?

A refreshing and moisturising hand cleansing gel that helps keep palms and pinkies feeling squeaky clean and smelling fresh.

What it does for you?

Anti Bacterial

Daily moisturising anti-bacterial hand cleansing gel for use on-the- go

Sensorial Delight

The subtle, crisp fragrance instantly makes you feel clean


Although anti-bacterial, it remains mild and gentle to skin

What’s Inside?

Quick-drying and grease-removing ALCOHOL (70%)

Natural LEMON ESSENTIAL OIL extracted from lemon peels, known for its purifying properties

Keeping palms and pinkies feeling squeaky clean

Some dirt you can see. Dirt and oils stick to our skin – think dead skin cells, excess sebum, mud – it could be anything!

Some dirt you can’t see – microbes (a term which includes bacteria and viruses), can stick to the dirt and oil, and this is how they hang on to your hands, face and other parts of our bodies. Some microbes are vital for human survival, others we don’t notice and a few are potentially harmful. The harmful ones we call germs.

To keep germs at bay keeping your hands clean is super important, and when you can’t access soap and water, hand gels/sanitisers are the perfect alternative for keeping hands clean whilst on-the-go!



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