Saffolalife study 2014 reveals that 3 in 5 Women in India are at high risk of cardiovascular disease

Saffolalife study 2014 reveals that 

3 in 5 Women in India are at 

high risk of cardiovascular disease

·         3 in 5 women in India develop the 
risk of Heart Disease as early as 35 years of age

·         70%Womenabove the age of 35 in Mumbai are at risk of Cardiovascular diseases.

25th Sept, Mumbai:The general consensus is that Heart Disease is more prevalent in Men but SaffolalifeStudy 2014 has revealed an alarming fact that women in India are equally prone to cardiovascular diseases . 

In India, in fact women are more at risk of heart disease today than 3 three years ago.

The three-year long Saffolalife study, which is India’s largest study on risk factors causing heart disease, revealed that three out of every five women out of the 51.7 thousand urban India female respondents are at cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. 

It is astonishing to note that this high risk of heart disease sets in as early as 35 years of age in women. Even women as young as 35-44 years have the high risk rate of CVD.


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