Wrangler brings to you the End of Season sale

RideAlong to the Wrangler Store

 by Suman Gupta
Wrangler,your favourite denim brand announces its End-of-Season sale, offering Buy 2 and get 2 free on purchase of Wrangler merchandise for both men and women. The sale showcases a broad range of stylish, rugged and innovative denim styles from Wrangler. Also, on sale are Shirts, Tees, &non-denims.The Wrangler End-of-Season sale starts from 17thJune 2016 onwards at Exclusive Wrangler stores across India.
Hitthe brakes at your nearest Wrangler Store and make the best of theWrangler’s End of Season Sale!
Login towww.wrangler-ap.comtolocate a store near you or check out theWrangler facebookpage www.facebook.com/wranglerdenims,#wrangler denims to stay connected.
About Wrangler:The heritage of Wrangler goes back literally a hundred years to 1904 when its original manufacturers - the Blue Bell Company was founded. Since then, Wrangler continues to inspire freedom, independence and self-reliance in its wearers. Wrangler was the first modern day five pocket jeans to be test-fitted and endorsed by real-life cowboy rodeos. The brand in India has come a long way, from a cowboy image it has today truly evolved to an “Urban Cowboy” image which is contemporary, fashionable yet rugged. A part of VF Corporation -the world's largest apparel company, Wrangler has found a loyal consumer base in the Indian youth that swear by this unique fashion brand. This denim brand is available at exclusive standalone stores, leading apparel stores and major department stores.


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