Ananya Birla Launches Luxury e-Commerce Platform- CuroCarte


by Suman Gupta 

Entrepreneur, Ananya Birla, is all set to launch her second venture- CuroCarte. It is a global e- commerce platform that provides rare, handmade, high quality, high end, luxury products, curated currently from 9 countries. The portal is an eclectic mix of design, beauty and lifestyle. The brand will be presenting 1500 products across 70 categories and will continue to grow. With the success of Ananya’s first venture- Svatantra Microfinance- her journey continues, consolidating her position in the startup ecosystem. 

CuroCarte was conceptualized by Ananya whilst on one of her travels. She envisioned that new age design put together with handmade talent can create magic. It will run on an inventory based model creating a space for itself in the premium sector. CuroCarte focuses on high quality. They have tied up with a renowned international laboratory which tests every product before the production starts.


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