Dream Of Owning The House Has Turned Into The Nightmare For People Under PTC Scam

by Priya Jadhav

Mumbai, 12th July 2023: It’s not the first time that home buyers have suffered because of the Builder's wrongdoing. In a metro city like Mumbai, it’s a dream of many to own a house. But what if after putting all the lifesaving into buying a house and in the end you even don’t get that house after years of struggle? This is what happened to those 58 people who invested their money in the Shreenath Darshan Building Project of Bhandup by Mr. Niraj Mansukhlal Ved. In the years 2008-2011, these 58 people purchased the flat/shop from Mr. Ved, Director of Shreenath Buildgrand Private Limited. They have purchased the property through an allotment letter and agreement for sale based on MCGM approved plan. Unfortunately, in November 2011, the same file was moved to SRA Department under S R Scheme 33(14)D of DCR 1991. Before proposing the plan to SRA, the builder had already carried out the construction work.

SRA accepted the file in August 2012 under the regulation of 33 (14) D of Modified DCR 1991 to SRA Department with the proposal of 41 PTC and extra free FSI. LOI was approved by SRA Department in May-2015 & the building has been regularized with penalties of Rs.1.90 Cr from the Developer.

The struggle for the people already started when the builder submitted the file to the SRA department. But, the real scam was made when in May 2016, Builder and SRA Department ( CEO & CFO ) made a blunder by clubbing the S R Scheme Ghatkopar Project – N Ward with the Bhandup project S-ward and increased the PTC nos from 41 to 75, with additional free FSI.

It's 2023, and to date, 80% of the Building is completed, which means the work is done up to the 16th floor via free Government FSI. But, out of those 58 people, no one has got the keys to their own house. Developer & SRA Department has constructed the illegal 21 PTC on podium car parking floors. PTC has been just on paper. Those 58 people have not gone through the loss of money, but the mental trauma has almost killed them. 10 years has been passed due to litigation between SRA Department and Developers. SRA Officers have not even done the survey or inspection during the construction of the building.

This is a criminal conspiracy between the Builder and the CEO, and CFO of the SRA Department. People are still waiting for justice. They already have suffered a lot in the hope that someone will come forward to take action against this illegal conspiracy. The disheartening Members are waiting for possession for the past 10 years.


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